Monday, November 24, 2008

New Clothes

I heard a quote the other day that has wrecked my world...

Clothe yourself in the compassion of God.

Think about that for a second or two... This little phrase has changed the way I look at people. It's hard to see anyone as a force of evil or an object or even a competition. People are people and WE ALL have been created by God. When I clothe myself in compassion I begin to see a person through God's eyes. A story begins to form about who they are and why they are the way they are. God begins to show me that they to are human and that He loves them as much as He loves me... AND that He forgives them.
When I'm clothed in compassion it sure is hard to onto any bitterness towards another person because I realize that they make mistakes just like me. And if I would like a second chance to redeem myself, shouldn't the person that I have the bitterness towards get that SAME KIND of chance as well?
I could go on, but you get the point...

Clothe yourself in the compassion of GOD.


Jill November 24, 2008 at 9:24 PM  

Cool background and pictures and stuff. Great blogs to. I hope you blog more. You've got good stuff to say. Love you!

Glimmerchick - Unplugged November 26, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

Great post Mr.Palmer and something I needed to hear today. Have an awesome Thanksgiving!

It's About...

Deep Thoughts
Brain puking
And everything else that goes along with being inside the world of a Professional Christian

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